Chapter 3: Up the
Upon completion of the
telephone line, we went to Pete King Ranger Station at Lowell, in the
fork. Lowell, Idaho is a post office and the population consists of one
family, their hired man and anyone who happened to inhabit Pete King.
The two daughters of the family, Cleveland by name, were charming, and
we managed to meet them for a game of pedro, in spite of the efforts of
their jealous ranger guard. Just above the junction of the Selway and
Locksaw rivers
was a ferry, made of pontoons, and held against the
current by a cable stretched across the river. Throwing a rudder would
force the ferry across. On the way back I had to wade breast-deep across
this fast current, where a slip would have meant a doubtful survival.
The picture shows this ferry with its cable, and ropes to assist the
rudder by swinging the entire ferry as well. The river was about 100
yards wide at this point
While on the subject of
crossing rivers, one of the telephone construction parties was delayed
by rising water. At last they felled a tall tree across the rapid, and
one man was able to get across it before it was swept away. He carried a
line by which a #9 telephone wire was pulled across. This was rigged to
hold the horses' heads above water and they were driven into the raging
torrent and pulled across. Two were drowned in the process. The men were
then pulled across on the wire, suspended above the river on a pulley.
The wire sagged until, when the last man crossed, the seat of his
trousers was being lapped by the waves. They held him in this
predicament while the camera was located and the picture [left] was
taken. It was none too safe a position, but the photographer must be
served, and no casualty resulted.